Wednesday 26 October 2016

Trout and grayling

After hearing that the club trout lake and the stretch of the Nidd were fishing well I decided that the pike would have to wait. I went to the lake first and was concerned to see that the only anglers on the signing in sheet had failed to catch. There were also no signs of any trout moving about. I tried a couple of the corners with a black lure without success. I met one of the members and his grandson who were just setting up with a pattern that I had also had success with in the past - a white and green lure - I decided this could be the way forward as the lake seems to be overrun with small roach at the moment making for challenging fishing. My fly being weighted with fluoro green bead chain eyes.
This seemed to make all the difference and I was rewarded with 3 of the recently stocked fish weighing about 2lbs.

It was now midday and as I needed to be back about 3 pm it was time to try for some grayling on the River Nidd.
I set up my 4wt rod with a 3lb bottom and a red squirmy worm. I tried casting upstream and also across and down as I usually do when fishing spider patterns. Casting across and down worked straight away and a couple of grayling were landed and released. Several fish were rising and I finished the session with a fish on a dry fly. This time a klinkhamer.

The squirmy worm dropped out as the fish was netted.
A very enjoyable session.

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