Thursday 22 January 2015

One of each

I tried my luck again today for chub and pike. The only real difference was that I upped the strength of my gear for the chub as I intended going to the Swale and there is always the chance of connecting with a barbel. I didn't think the 12lb mainline would make the chub more wary as I have had some nice chub when fishing for pike on a six inch head section of lamprey, size 4 semi barbless trebles and 30 lb wire ! I drove over the Ure on the way to the Swale and the river looked in good condition so I was hopeful of some action despite the cold weather of late.
I arrived at the Swale only to find the river a mucky grey-brown colour and it was pushing through more than normal. I wasn't too confident and stayed two hours without a bite before heading for the Ure which seemed in better nick. The first peg I tried was with safety in mind as it took me ages to get up the bank when I was at the Swale so slippery was it. I wasn't happy with the pace of the water as I thought the fish would like something more sedate after fighting the recent high water for several days. I decided to move downstream to a peg I had previously had chub from.
The first action came from a pike that took a liking to my lamprey. The pike made a  big strike at the deadbait but then the float remained motionless for about 3o seconds so I thought the fish had dropped the bait. I went to reel in and check the situation but realised the fish was definitely on !


The fish was unhooked without fuss and surprisingly the barbless trebles were in the mouth and not deep. It weighed 12 lb 4 oz and is my fourth double in only about six trips piking on the Ure in the last 2 months. The Ure is on top piking form this year.

As 4 o'clock neared the chub rod was almost ripped off the rest - so much so that I thought a barbel had taken the two 8 mm krill pellets I had on as bait. As the fish neared the net I could see it was a quality chub

The chub weighed 5lb 5 oz and capped off a great day. I am happy to move venues if I don't think conditions are suitable. It paid off this time. Still work to do on the photography though. I have a better camera but I am reluctant to use it in the muddy conditions.

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