Friday 2 October 2015

First day piking

Well I managed to get to the 2 Oct before I started my autumn and winter piking. I fished the Ure as it served me well last season. My favourite peg produced nothing after 2 hours. It was quite foggy and I fancied my chances so I moved to another favourite area. I had a couple of runs but didn't hook up for more than 10 seconds. Now this can be down to a) chub  b) small pike or more likely striking too early. It went quiet for an hour and I thought I had blown it and scared any pike away. To make it worse the sun broke through the mist and lit the water with strong sunlight. In about 15 mins my right hand rod baited with a whole sardine on size 4 trebles sailed away. The fish gave a good account of itself and weighed in at 10lb 9 oz. I am pretty sure this is the first time my piking season has started with a double so lets hope for a cracking pike season.

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