Monday 26 January 2015

High and snaggy

I arrived at the River Ure today in good clear weather. It was a stretch I had 3 doubles from before Christmas. The river was about 2ft higher than normal and pushing through quite quickly- probably from snow melt higher up in the dale. I cast my baits in but it was really difficult to prevent the floats getting dragged under due to the pressure on the line from 15ft of strongly flowing water. Off came the floats and I ledgered straight though to my baits using drop off indicators for bite indication.

It soon became clear that the swim had changed since I fished it last. There was now a massive snag down there. This is one of the challenges of river fishing. The swim can change from one week to the next - sometimes one day to the next !! But it keeps you thinking even if I had to keep pulling out of snags - see my rig below to see how it is possible not to keep losing your tackle.
Well I must have been able to find a clear spot at least once as this fish found my lamprey bait too tempting

It weighed exactly 8 pounds and was caught close to midday - the best time to catch pike in winter I have found. I moved downstream slightly but still the snags were there. But I was happy to get a fish out today given the tricky conditions. My camera now seems on its last legs - though it isn't it's fault my head is sticking out the top of the picture! Time to take my better camera out - hope I don't spoil it ... I am going to show some of the rigs and baits I use. I hope some anglers will find it useful - starting with my pike rig below

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