Tuesday 7 April 2015

First day on the river for the new trout season

Well I finally managed to get out fishing on the river and was fortunate to have andy with me who I had finally managed to get a session with after earlier false starts. We set up half way along the length as Andy got to grips with the 3/4 wt grays rod I had set him up with. Andy would make a good ringer in a fishing team I quickly realised. I went back to see if he had lost his single fly that I thought would be best for a beginner only to see him double hauling the little outfit that would have cast across the lower tyne!! well almost - but you get the drift.                

The weather was glorious but after trying several pools it became clear that it wasn't going to be easy. After several changes of flies I finally landed a small wild brownie and as I changed my flies andy caught what he said was the smallest grayling he had ever seen.
It wasn't easy but as ever it was superb just being there
After catching 17 trout in about 4 hours last time the call of a few rainbows from my club s. tillwater was too strong. The sun was still out strong as I put Andy in one of my favourite pegs and he was soon to have a fish on that managed to ship the hook. It became clear that there was a biblical quantity of frogs in the margins of the lake
I had a fish on for a few minutes but like andy's fish it shipped the hook. Time was passing and it was time to call it a day, Typically the fish started topping just as we were leaving and the effect of the strong sun on the water was diminishing. Not a lot of fish to show today but it really was just beautiful to be out on such a day. 



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